The City Council Action Plan represents the City Council’s collective vision for Escondido’s future and the key activities that will be used to achieve that vision. It is developed every two years following a workshop where key policy interests are identified and discussed by the City Council and City Staff.
Please be sure to use this opportunity to let your leaders know what you value! Fill out this form to let the city know your thoughts!
You can also contact your Councilmember by clicking here.
It is wonderful that the Council is asking for input from the public. Please let them know what they are doing that you like and other things you hope they will work on or prioritize/ or move off the list. Sierra Club will be asking the city to prioritize the following:
- Climate Action:
City should continue on its path to adopt a strong ‘best ever’ Climate Action Plan. - Pursue Smart, Climate Protective Development: City should reprioritize land use and development pursuits to be in-line with efforts to protect the environment and improve quality of life. City should cease pursuit of annexations that draw funds away from city. For reasons unknown, Escondido in the past few years has avidly pursued annexations. While annexing some of the surrounded infill areas in the urban core may make sense, annexation of far-flung areas that need services, infrastructure, increases fire risks, climate impacts, and ultimately drawn financial resources away from significant needs in the city should be given up.
- Environmental Justice:
City should continue efforts to relocate the water Microfiltration Reverse Osmosis (MFRO) Plant to an industrial area. - Habitat Restoration and Natural recreation areas:
• Urge the city to take the next important steps on move forward on the Reveal the Creek plan for the entire creek and implement the sections we have a plan for.
• Support opening of the Willow Walk portion of the trail along the creek.
• Work with partners to develop a restoration plan for Reidy Creek to enhance the habitat and increase recreational access along the creek as a community asset. - Housing action:
• Adopt an inclusionary housing ordinance to make sure housing that is affordable is developed in the city.
• Evaluate significant increases in density at the Palomar Hospital redevelopment to support more density near transit corridors.
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